Never I don´t see places where the people can to learnt about environmentally practices. I think that kind of practice isn´t of our culture, generally the persons that known about of how to care the environment are belongs at a particular social group.
I think that to care our environment is a need very urgent, I think that our mode of the social of production destroyed the nature, since that was a system industrial of production that the societies has been generate several consequences environmental. Since some decades ago, we have observed that those effects are dangerous to nature and our self. However our like society haven´t done nothing to changes this situation of radical way, just in some countries has regulated about this, but just patch solutions.

I should say that although I want to care the environment because is a big a serious problem for the human and if the relation that our have with the nature follow of this way we will be in a complicated situation. Really, sometimes just I to care the environment, I don´t throw the garbage and I try to recycle, for example, but I think that this is very insufficient.
Thinking about of this, I remember that of all ways I ever used my legs, I ever walking so much. And I don`t used an own car (although, I don´t have it, lol), usually, I transport by public bus.
Never, I haven´t belonged to one eco-organization. When one person wants to be in a social group I think that he o she should to be awkward really. To bellow to any organization implies a real responsibility whit yours objectives and the rest of people this group. But isn’t necessary that people to be in a group to care to nature, all persons shall to do it every times that we can it.
Besides, in Santiago city is very important that we care this environment, over all that we practice ways that to care the air because is an important and direct problem to health. We can to do several activities ordinaries to help to have a clean air like to sweep with water, decreeing restriction for the more vehicles, between others.